Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Philosopher's Romance

You have become A Philosopher's romance
Unleashed by the reins holding mankind,
So come love, let us cross the bridges of time.

Emerge like a Monarch from your languid disposition,
Escape under the guise of the shadows
Fears threaten but surrender not to their illusions
We will dance to the twirls of the wind
& cuddle under the wraps of the clouds
Let those behind, seek us in disappointment,
We will hide behind the veil of the moon.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mistress of Darkness

I gave up fear & the spirits began to dread me,
Shadows fell at my feet & kissed the floor beneath
The Demons crowned me, Mistress of Darkness.

Sunday, September 30, 2012


What is Love without attainment of it's Divine state?
People make but, poor voyagers of the soulful journey!

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Love for a day

If I could love you for just one day I would abandon the world to dedicate every minute to your honor. I would lay all the riches at your feet to make you happy. Oh what a perfect day it shall be!
I would dance with delight to the tune of your laughter. I would fly with the spreading wings of your smile. I would shine with the look in your eyes, staring back at me with their luminous intensity. And their seduction how it invites me to see the hunger of your soul & fill its emptiness with affection.
I would love to love you, the way no one has ever done. To feel you in completion-like body & soul. Your soul in mine so it could blossom like a flower with it's beauty & fragility. What a joy it would be to love you if even only for a day!

I would kiss every inch of your skin till each scar loses it's existence & pain shivers without a place to hide. Let it fade slowly as I breathe your scent to fill my heart, soul & all my senses. I would hold your hand & chant those sacred words to make your heart sing. I would lift you high with compliments & spoil you till blushes replace speechlessness. How it would wax my desire to give more!

That day, I would only listen to the sound of your voice raving bout the stories that captured your gentle heart. I would lay beside you tracing the outlines until my fingers could draw every contour to perfection.

I would stroll with you on the shore & admire those waves of emotion within you. I won't hide my admiration. I wouldn't step away. I would allow you to etch every moment with the signature of your smile or desire.

For the last moment of perfection I would pray upon the night to set a million diamond sky just so you know how priceless you are to me.When the sun would go down, I would watch it set in your eyes, letting it fade like you from my heart.

I would hold you for the final time as I walk down memory lane without you. Down the path we travelled in those precious moments, away from the sights that held your presence, turning deaf ears to the grace of your words as I forsake the scent & feel of your body, removing the contours till they become untraceable. I would erase your name from the door of my heart locking every voice of rebellion within. You would become a stranger as I drain your soul out of mine & simply turn so your enticement wouldn't charm me again.

I would push you away, out of my life abandoning all but an extinct memoir. With that I would leave your conceited love & return to my life unknowing the pleasure so I may never wish for another day to love you again.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Dark Obsession

Here I am, ready to give all I have for that moment of oneness with you.  My insecurities behind me, I am prepared to take the sacred journey into the realm of emotions.  Knock down my fortress with your passionate weaponry then undress yourself of this useless armor.  It only serves to hide our immaculacy. Let us lose every ounce of humanness & surrender without a doubt.

I want to abandon this absurd world & indulge in your mysterious crux.  I want to dance till I'm intoxicated with temptation. Let me feel you till every pore emanates your fragrance. I want to hold you against my soul. I will heal, protect & melt into your formless mold filling every inch with spiritual ecstasy.  Let the rupture of seduction rhythm us through the motions.  Drown your worries into my passion & be born anew, my fearless warrior.  Reveal to me your darkest secrets & revel in your magnificence. I care for nothing but to stand unafraid & unashamed in this glorious flame of romance.

Avert those alluring eyes from the insanity of the mundane life. Let’s escape into a world where bodies, beats & breaths have no existence.  Let not our relationship be measured by name, time or distance. Allow the ocean of our sensations subjugate any restriction between us.  I am love & you are the object of my affection.  Be in no hurry, I want to relish you till I’m drunk. This insatiable hunger is like an addict's craving & your drug is just not enough.

Dread not the shadows world for the light will shine for us. There shall exist nothing but You & I in absolute perfection.  Rekindle this devotion for all life-times to come.  Let no tide break us apart, not even death.  With its kiss shall we begin our inseparable union.

Fill me till my existence merges into yours & there is nothing but our souls dancing into infinity. Live in me while I live in you. Relent all reason & just be my Obsession.

Saturday, June 09, 2012


I am lost on these familiar roads of life
Homeless under the provided shelter
Loveless & forsaken by those called humans
Demons dragged me down under
& I lost track of the way back
Dark, now my chosen abode
Chains, the only faithful friends
My mind occupied with obscene desires
The body impregnated with sins
Only faithless hands lift in senseless prayers
The being's coming to life.

The mirror shattered in punishment for it's lies
A woman could not be a psychotic beast
This inhuman form is a delusion of a failing vengeance
Arms barren but hands hold the crop of spite
Love was a doom set for the naive
I prefer this madness to insipidity
It's a losing war to Satan
Won't call upon God tonight, to witness myself surrender
So come now Death, the soul awaits release from this cripple!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spiritual Freedom

Speak to me without talking
Let your wounds bleed over my skin
Fear not your fears
I will carry you through the dark
Pretend no strength
I will shelter you from harm.

Let the truth in you connect to my spirit for release
Unburden your sorrows onto my restless heart
Don't leave me empty like you usually do
Merge into my very essence
I crave to taste your soul tonight.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


You walk by my side without invitation
You silence me by the power of your presence
You are the master of the shadows
Your guises scaring the strongest of hearts
You hold immortality & still I'm afraid to look you in the face
You, the weight that hush these lips
You, the secret I carry alone
You, the fearless fear
You, the living's worst nightmare
You, the ultimate truth
You, the door-keeper of destiny
You, the extinguisher of life
You, the carver of my journey
You, my partner of darkness
You, my inevitable Fate.

Monday, April 02, 2012

Pure beginnings

What comfort do you seek from this material world, mortal?
There is no peace in the perishable.
All that is finite can turn into void
So become the void & merge with the Infinite!

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Soul-deep encounter

I met a woman who was classy if considered anything above normal- a psychologist by profession & nearly 20 years older to me. There was nothing unusual expected out of a professional relationship. Yet the encounter was anything but ordinary despite less than an average interaction.

I’ve kinda forgotten the reason for hanging in but the second time I entered the room, I saw her fortified within a highly energized bubble which I mistook for frustration but deciphered her need to retreat into a protected world was intense emotional pain. I knew there was no space for my insignificant rambling & an intrinsic quality of breaking defenses rose wanting to shatter the barrier though conjured the need for time. It only helped to maintain my calm with certain attitudes later. I already knew there was nothing a bit of patience couldn’t fix.

Despite normal interaction I began having a queer sense of familiarity that logic even forwent. I had no personal information & still the person felt as though she’d been there all my life. I thought my analytical arrogance was souring absurdly so pushed it aside. What followed after, I had no clue but the human sitting in front of me became an empty vessel that I could access psychically as though all barriers between us vanished & I could really touch the soul sitting more than 5 ft away. All I was doing was talking or listening but the magnetism drew me against resistance like I would actually ‘drown’ in her. I could read her thoughts. I could feel her pain. I knew how to heal. Like never before I found myself saying “I could be you”-a real time mirror. If insanity had another name, it should’ve been mine.

To think that I was chosen to be the piece fitter of the ‘puzzle’ was enough but rest of the story was oracular.I slowly began comprehending the threatening energy that centered our encounters- Her power, to change me & mine to unlock her. I had only known transcendence in a dreamy way, this was not the kind. This union was transformative & what could follow; neither had a clue & frankly better unknown. Despite experience I feared intense encounters & more over the power of someone over me.

I was tempted to explore the realm but needed safety gear minus all restrictions. There was neither & for an all-or-none enthusiast I refused to play. This relationship was gardened by intellectual pursuits, bolted by respect but still scarred by confusion of roles & embedded dominance. The underworld only promised growth without the thought of cost. We had to do the thinking for ourselves & maybe that was the actual lesson of meeting a powerful woman at a level that was veritably soul-deep.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


The mind scoffs the persistence of foolishness beyond maturity. Wasted youth on dreams of glamor led to the nothingness I hold today. Those perils that I endured for the heartache now linger like scars around my failing knees.This world though beautiful stands empty unshared. This soul suffers loneliness. Still I expect peace from those who know it not, these sufferable humans. This looming fear exchanged for love is the last of the flame that once burnt. Composed poems now like scrap circle with the blowing wind . Time dried the fountain of words that rushed the heart & laid it barren.
 Silence these beats now, deafened ears can't hear no more. Play those senseless games because the drunk can set no rules. Erase those dreams then eternally seal the passionate heart; with love on it's deathbed mortality is about to die!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Moonlight Madness

I stroll down the barren paths bathed in moonlight with the wintry breeze ablow. Thoughts of you fill my mind with their gentle madness intoxicating my senses to calm. You do not exist but I surrendered my soul to your mortal emptiness & alas I still linger onto those imaginary pieces of you.  

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

The Chosen one

Make me the pen that writes your name on the hearts of people
Make me the Book that eyes read to praise Your Glory
Make me the Voice that speaks of Your Wonders across the lands
Make me the Sword that fights in Your Name
Make me the Fire that burns all that You forsook
Make me the Messiah that leads people towards Your way
Make me the Love that melts the hardest hearts to embrace Your Passion
Make me the Lawyer who deals the hand of Justice
Make me the Light that torches the darkened paths
Give me the wisdom to understand Your hidden Grace
Give me the knowledge to silence the stormiest seas
Give me the patience to bear the troubles with courage
O Almighty, make me amongst Your chosen ones.