Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Two Minds
One fantasy
Fragments of a dream
For one longing heart
Wasted emotions
Timeless emptiness
A broken bond
Pride to silence
An unfinished tale
Deserted & forgotten
But kindled the soul that cherished it.

Friday, November 06, 2009


You meet a lot of good people in the walk of life but few special ones
You hear alot of 'I love you's but question if one could change the course of fate
There are thorns that rend when you keep the roses & you wonder if its worth throwing them all together
Sometimes it is...

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Virtual Reality

Idle hopes lay in despair
Awaiting what will never come
Leaving a void in the heart
But silence on the lips.
And Stranded they are
In a sphere with walls that echo
Only but a solo voice....